Monday, July 18, 2011

Cons, what kind of job do you have that claims no government assistance without union and without college and?

is not a government job? Only thing I can think of is truck driver or salesperson, unless you're living with your parents. Small business owners pay minimum wage to their workers, so in essence they're exploiting them.

Can a windows vista laptop play apb reloaded?

I downloaded apb reloaded and was able to play it but it had very bad lag and i wasnt able to access much. Is there a way i can play it on my laptop.

What does your tax dollars go to?

Always look at the big picture: the U.S pays monthly $42 billion just to cover interest on debt. Now who owns the debt; China lent $1 trillion and all other foregin countries lent $3trilliona href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . What about the remaining $10 trillion you will find they belong to the same eltes who pushed the Chinese prostitutre story of a lousy $2.6million;.

Kindle won't play audio books?

I got a Kindle as a present. I loaded several audiobooks onto it and they worked fine. Recently, the screen was broken and I was sent a replacement, with all my books reloaded. I just tried to play one of the books, and it told me I couldn't play it because my Kindle wasnt authorized with If that hasnt been a problem before, why is it now? PLease help!!

Can someone other than the owner, pay registration for a car in KY?

Can anyone other than the owner pay the registration for my car, such as a relative? It is just the renewal for the car, but it expired because I forgot to pay. I have to go out of town for a little while and need to have this taken care of. If I give them signed permission,SS#, registration receipt, and insurance card. Or would I have to go in person?

Which should I wear? In need of advice :)?

The first one, it sounds simple yet a good outfit, the second one has a bit to much denim and the first one would compliment either gladiator or flats.<3

To the owners of a Toyota FJ Cruiser?

the other person is a idiot. i like them. and the 4.0 V6 is pretty good on gas, depending on how you drive it. I'd would go for it, with Toyota's reliability.

How much does incurance cost for 150 cc scooter if your starting out in nc?

ive been thinking of getting a scooter cause of gas prices but i need to know how much a incurance will cost me per month since it will be my first time i know i can get the license but with incurase im srewed and due you have to have a plait number on ther back of the scooter to show your the owner of this bike

Do you think she's pretty (pictures)?

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Dogs:Parvo question??

I live in on post housing and I know that the previous owner had dogs. We just got a 7 week old puppy and I am taking him in tomorrow to get all of his shots and the parvo vaccine, but i know that the vaccine isn't the only thing to protect him. What can i do to my yard and my house to make sure that he doesn't get it? What are some other precauitions that i should take in order to make sure nothing happens to him. should i just not let him be anywhere but my backyard or in my house pretty much and the vet when I take him? Ive never had a dog die from parvo but i dont want to risk loosing my puppy to this at all so i want to get all the advice I can to make sure that he doesnt get it.

Do these really work?

i just got it yesterday, and i am honestly disappointed.. they are supposed to improve your balance in sports and whatever but, i've been testing my balance by standing on one foot, i have horrible balance and it has worked with my balance but only slightly. it could just be luck.. i honestly think that it was a waste of my money.

DS: Can dogs tell the difference between breeds?

No they can't tell the difference between breeds, but they can tell size and some take advantage of smaller breeds, remember dogs are meat eaters and hunters at heart, keep that in mind and every one will be safe 99.99% of the time

Ruger vaquero vs. ria 1911 vs. springfield 1911?

i want to get a pistol not for home defense but just for fun. i want it to be a larger caliber because it adds more excitement to shooting. i would like a cowboy type of pistol for accuracy and reliability ( ruger vaquero) but i would also like a 1911 for reloading practicality and rate of fire.if i get a 1911 should i get the rock island armory gi or the springfield gi?

What should i do? Please help!?

You should do a lot of cardio first to lose the fat. Then start to add in weight lifting, etc and eat more protein. Increase the amount and intensity of the chest exercises as you get better. Then, when you have your ideal body, keep the level of difficulty constant, unless your chest starts to get too big. Then you can decrease the amount and intensity a little bit, and it should get smaller pretty quickly. Good luck!

Problem installing Lexmark x4650 on Vista?

As my HP printer died a little while back, I decided to buy an Lexmark 3-1 printer over the weekend. The printer seems to install fine with the provided disc. However, once it finished installing, I receive a message 'Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)'. I have reloaded the drivers 3 times from Lexmak website, but no such luck. I have spoken to Lexmark for an hour who said the printer and my laptop were working fine and it was a Vista problem.

Why is my internet so slow?

My internet is absolute garbage, i dont know whats going on its really fustrating. The Mbps change by the second from 8 Mbps to 36 Mbps. Also the signal sometimes is at 2 bars and changes to 4 bars. I have a laptop but im not moving it around. Someitmes in the middle of an online game or video my internet connection gets cut for like 10 seconds and then comes back on. I hate this because my game needs to be reload along with my vids. I am with "the source". Is there something wrong that i am doing or is my interent just plain trash and im getting cheated from the company? please help.

Why are my comic downloads on DC Comics app for iPod Touch stuck at 0%?

I even tried to delete and reload the DC Comics app and my comic downloads are still stuck at 0%... :( Any clues?

Will rust reformer work?

rust is like canser have to cut it all out. you onley see a little but runs deep . if you have a rust blister that little blister . have to take out a peace of metal the size of a teness ball . to get back to clean meatel . rust reformer to me is good when preping . fix metal as a metal prep for repair . its to late have to remove all rust an metal back to good metal an rust prep fill with plastic or fiber glass sand to fit re prep an prine an paint

Photoshop Elements 5.0 Download?

If you have not installed previously then, keep looking for the CD. If you installed AND registered you ownership with Adobe, go online to their site, your account, and you should be able to get it replaced.

Amy Winehouse vs Lady Gaga?

Amy Winehouse, she might be an addict but she's not a weirdo, well she is but not as much as Lady Gaga and we know she is a she!

Please help with reloading data question?

I have an unopened pound can of Hodgdon H 450 powder. I am having problems finding reload data for this powder. It is my understanding that it was discontinued some years back. Several people have told me that this is an excellent powder for medium cartridges. I am reloading for a 30-06 and .257 Rob. I have been using IMR 4350 for both of these. Any help on where I can find this data would be appreciated.

Mercedes cd player - display screen showing 'CODE'?

You will have to either call the mercedes dealer and get the code to unlock the cd player. This is an anti-theft device.

I'm obsessed with....?!?!?

It is very natural the way you are feeling. I was the same way with Tommy Lee at one point and over time after seeing him you will probably find a guy that either looks like him or behaves like he does. I know I did, just enjoy your happiness of him and as long as it doesnt get to be a stalking and law enforcement issue, your okay in my book. Have fun, enjoy your life!

Help! Pregnant kitten!!?

Cats play, hunt, run, jump, fight, and just about anything else you can think of when pregnant. She and the kittens should be fine.

If I grow out my my thick wavy hair, will it grow straight & BQ ?

depends... hair changes all the time, keep that in mind... try it out, I'm letting mine grow and the longer it gets the curlier it gets...

My pomeranian lost balance, sight?

I agree with Elaine M. Sounds like epilepsy. A neurological study (could be expensive) using MRI might shed some light on her symptoms. Can't believe a Vet didn't mention this. Take care, Mama.

How much many can be saved by reloading your own ammo?

shot shell loading is really not saving much money until you reload like 410 ammo but i reload them using a LEE brand shot shell reloader I bought from bass pro new for 45.00 bucks it's awesome rifle reloading I am just getting into my self I have found it is much cheaper to buy everything except primers and powder off the internet I would recommend the LEE breech lock challenger press kit comes with every thing you need except a measuring tool and those are fairly cheap and the other stuff i listed the kit is around 115.00 bucks new from cheaper than dirt only thing you have to buy is powder,primers,bullets,brass,dies of course thats all, to get started with rifle reloading would be around $200-$250 to get started i went ahead and bought a 200 dollar powder measure and scale made by smartreloader from cheaperthandirt .com that where most my stuff came from I found it to be one of the cheapest places around to get started with the LEE load all 2 shot shell reloader around $150(give or take a little) with all you need good luck

Is it realistic to bring a rat everywhere?

Sometimes in books or movies and stuff someone will carry their pet rat in their pocket and with them. Me never haveing been a rat owner I was wondering if it's realistic to get a rat calm enough that you could train it to sit on your shoulder or in your pocket without trying to run away. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question.

Anyone help me and advise me please?, My PC?

No, you don't need any type of software to correct it. Your speaker might have been blocked by dust or dirt. What you'll need to do is clean your speakers. You could go to best buy, staples, or office depot and get a pressured air computer cleaner. Sorry, I don't know whats it called but it's usually in a can and has a stick on the spray. When you buy it, just put it 2-3 inches away from your speakers and it should help with the sound. If it doesn't work, go to your nearest computer store and they should tell you whats wrong. I don't really think you will really need any cd's or software's to correct it.

Does Iron Man need fuel?

I really like the Iron Man movie, but after watching it for a bazillion time, I just realized something... Does Iron Man need fuel? The suit is basically a machine and machines need fuel, and after shooting some ammo, how does he reload? Wouldn't it be dangerous if he ran out of ammo in a fight? He doesn't have pockets either. P.S. I haven't watch Iron Man 2 so if the answers in there i don't know

What do turtles Eat? HELP!!?

Randomly I found a turtle on ur Front Yard, Im later gonna go ask for the owner, but it rained all night and shes/hes really wet. so what can I do? (its a land turtle) and what can I feed him/her?

What to wear to a teen dance club!!?

yeah that would be really cute. if you change your mind about jeans, get a cute short skirt and a tanktop to match with small heels would be nice too, or even flats.

All Points Bulletin Reloaded Beta?

Will they wipe the open beta like the did closed beta? I want to know because I was going to buy some cash shop items and I don't want to if there just going to wipe it.

Where can I get this shirt (photo link)?

I need a store around syracuse preferably a mall picture URL

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good modern songs that are'nt about sex, clubs, etc?

Ok so theres this party im going next week. The owner asked me to get the music for the party. He says it has to be modern and good for party's, and he wants it from singers like Drake, Kayne West, Bruno Mars, 50 cent, etc. He says he does'nt want them to have any dirty meanings cause of religious reasons. Can you give me a list of songs that are great for partys and are from the popular singers now a days and are not dirty? Dont tell me any Eminem songs cuz i already got that under control lol

Can treebraids have side bangs?

Yeah.. I don't see why not. Just ask the lady and make sure she doesn't cut your hair. You could also do it when you got home with a regular shaving razor.

Opinions...Lamborghini or Mini minor?

i think it might just be a case of wrong horse wrong rider. i believe they should both be on the same level of what they want to do such as showing, jumping etc (you wouldn't use a grand prix horse as a happy hacker after all) some horses can be overly sensitive and know how much they can get away with with each individual. for example i have a 16.1hh chestnut TB dressage mare (shes a complete stereotype) she is so sweet with me and very well behaved. but when my 8 year old niece trys to groom her she completely changes she won't stand still she starts picking her back feet up at her (never kicked out) shakes her head and bares her teeth but the second i come back over shes back to normal. horses are a lot smarter than what many people think! but i believe especially with younger riders more time and consideration should be put into finding a 'perfect' first horse to match its new owner, which after all is essential for a successful partnership

Why is mariah carey considered black when she isnt?

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Reloadable Visa Card vs. Reloadable MasterCard?

Today, I received a very late birthday present from a friend of mine. He gave me a MyTreat Prepaid Visa Card. I used it for some stuff and fell in love with the non-existing annoying process of using a Debit Card. This got me wondering, so I did some research. I found out that my card can't be reloaded but their are ones that can. I noticed that Visa Reloadable had a dumb monthly fee while the MasterCard Reloadable didn't. Obviously, MasterCard would be the better choice here but can you do some extended research on both cards please?

Wher can i buy cool/cute suitcases?

you can try ebay. they have all kinds of stuff like that. betsey johnson also has a nice collection of cute suitcases, but i dont think she has hello kitty.

Is owning a dog at 20 a stupid decision?

It's all up to you. After the dog is an adult and trained, you could still have a social life. It's a good decision at 20 if you are willing to care for it and play with it plenty. If you are going to be out for 10 or more hours socializing, its not recommended unless you can drop it off at a friend's house or a dog camp for the day.

APB: Reloaded question please halp meh?

Ok, so I was watching a video ans this guy wasn't even ready and wasn't on a mission and he got in a gun fight with some criminals, how do I turn on constant PVP because that is what I got the game for. I don't want to drive around and just do nothing and only kill people when in missions.

My neighbor's barking dog is becoming a nuisance?

Ever since I moved in about 5 months ago, my neighbor's two big dogs have been constantly barking, especially at night. Whenever I walk outside in my backyard, the dogs will look through the cracks of the fence and keep barking until I go back inside. At night, they bark randomly and sometimes keep me up. I've called the police once but the owner didn't put the dogs up. This is becoming a problem and I need some suggestions as to what I can do to put this to a stop.

Are cats allowed to roam freely around a private adoption agency in New York State?

I recently moved in to an apartment in Columbia County in New York. I have two neighbors that live downstairs that own a private adoption agency right around the corner. I was walking to the store a couple days ago and to my surprise I saw all of the cats wondering around the the the building where the agency is through the store front. I am from a whole different state and that's not allowed where I used to live. So I was a little shocked to see this!! I thought they had gotten loose. I called the owners who reassured me that it was okay and that they normally do that. Out of curiosity I went online looking for whats allowed around here for that kind of thing. I searched but to no avail. Like I said I'm not from around here. Does anyone know the rules for that kind of thing in New York?

What should I do with this stray dog?

I found a stray dog walking down the street and it kept following me. So I opened my door and it got in my car. I saw that the dog was neutered with no collar and took it home. I gave it food and water and tried to take it out to go to the bathroom, but it just kept sniffing. So, I tried to lightly pull it back into my house and it tensed up and stood its ground outside. So, I had to pull extremely hard to get it to come back in. It keeps staring at my front door, wanting to go outside. He still hasnt gone to the bathroom and I was wondering what I should do? Is it acting like this because it has an owner and doesnt feel comfy with me? He smells really bad :) Should I try and take care of him? He doesnt like to be lonely inside the house and follows me everywhere I go. Im probably going to take him to the humane society today. Help me out guys.

Someone told me to use gold (gas) hmmmm?

I have a 2001 escort,100,000 miles and the las few days the engine knocks sometimes when I acelerate,Now the owners manual says reg gas,How would high octane help the knock,And if I do put the high octane in do I wait till my tank is empty so the gas wont mix,now I have about 1/4 of a tank...

How do I stop Internet Explorer to stop reloading ?

Every time I go to a web site my internet explorer reloads for no reason, first it tells me that it has stopped working and then it reloads how can I fix that?

How do you reload aliens vs predator?

I have aliens vs predator for the xbox 360 and I don't know how to reload. Its really annoying when I'm fighting a new wave of enemies and I run out of ammo while shooting.

Is this true? The .44-40 used to be loaded to .44 Magnum levels?

Not quite. 44-40 rifle loads claiming 1800 fps were loaded at one time, but chronographs weren't then what they are now. I doubt if those old balloon-head cases could have handled that sort of pressure. But there were hot rifle loads that couldn't be used in revolvers, and people actually paid attention to the warning rather than blowing off their hands and suing the manufacturer! Times have changed.

Isn't it time for republicans to come to the table and act like adults to get the debt ceiling debate settled?

Past time, but it won't happen until July29th at the earliest. What you have to remember is that the Republican politicians want the USA to go into a Depression. Their actions have proved that over and over. So, in order to minimize political fallout and still accomplish this they will wait until July 29th or August 1st before they pass a debt ceiling increase.

2 year old ball python won't eat mouse.?

I just got him. The guy who sold him to me said I should feed him today, so i bought frozen mice. took the snake to the store with me, showed the clerk and he told me exactly what size mouse that snake should be eating. I thawed the mouse in warm water for 20 min. made sure it was warm before putting it in tank with snake. the snake responded well. spending at least 3 hours wrapping itself around the mouse. smelling it, licking it. then went in his little house a fell asleep. still wont eat the mouse. the previous owner fed him live mice, so is that a huge issue?

Do you think a boy highschool would get made fun of if he drove a 1960 ford f100 shortbed styleside to school?

That's an oldie. I personally believe the boy wouldn't get called on it. Maybe from ***** with sporty cars. But no, it's such a nice truck. That is a keeper. (:

How do u get a 2 month old colt to let u touch him?

ok so we just bought a mare and her 2 month old colt. the last owners didnt have anything to do with him. he doesnt have a halter on. He will only let u rub is head sometimes. He will eat food out of your hand. I know we need to b handling him more and he needs a halter on. So whats the best way to go about doing that? Any help or suggestions would be great thanks

What is faster in Call of Duty: Black Ops, sleight of hand pro magazine change or scout pro weapon swap?

I started using scout pro with assault rifles and found it works pretty good if I pick up a good primary gun off someone I killed. Scout pro weapon swaps seems faster than sleight of hand reload time. Am I nuts or is this the case?

My fallout new vegas dlc won't work, i've tried deleting it and reloading it and it still doesn't work, how do?

I recently downloaded a patch on New vegas and when i checked to see if the new dlc i had downloaded was there it was gone, along with all of my other dlc, i tried deleting it from my system and reloading it and it still didn't work. I've spent like twenty to thirty some dollars on this stuff and i'd really like to be able to play it! Help?

ITunes unchecked every song in the library erasing my entire Nano. Must I recheck every song to reload?

I'm not aware of having done anything and suddenly, my Nano songs disappeared and when I checked, every song in my iTunes library was unchecked. Is there a way to check an entire play list or must I do it one-by-one?

Puppy put to sleep help?

I got this puppy at like 4 months old the owner was abusing her well a week ago she stopes eating took her to the vet a few days ago the vet said she has kiddny problems and she still kept getting sicker and we had to put her down today she was only 8 months old it was the saddest thing ever I watched as she slipped away till they said she was dead cryer my eyes out I'm asking anyone any tips to help heal me I'm so depressed I had to put my puppy down a black lab by the way but I just want tips or advice to help me get through this

Did this answer deserve to get reported?

Sounds like you may have a Yahoo stalker. Have you been noticing your answers getting an unusually high number of TD's lately? If so, welcome to the club! It's an elite group of us that have the power to offend to the point some random stranger God-knows-where takes the time out of their day to stalk our Yahoo answers. Hide your Q&A, contacts and Pulse. That'll slow them down a bit.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

This man is a "trans-lesbian." As he's attracted to the opposite sex, is he breaking any Bible rules?

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How do I adjust the choke on my '83 Toyota Hatchback 4x4?

Finding an owner's manual on that old a car and model seems to be nearly impossible. Is there a way to find the information on line?

What type of amp should I get?

I just bought 2 12" kicker Comp. vr I plan on getting a Alpine HU, but now i just wonder what type of amplifier i should get for the kickers, they are 4 ohm but i plan on parallel wiring them which will make them 2 ohms according to owners manual. and if possible help me out with the gain setting because i dont want to take it to a Professional, i know that ill have to break the speakers in at first. but if you could help me out with the amp that would be great. if not I was looking into the hi fonics Brutus.

Have you ever seen these a'holes without their makeup and hair done?

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Will my Betta fish get along in this aquarium?

I currently have my Betta fish in a 10 gallon aquarium all by himself, he's incredibly friendly and even lets me basically pet him haha. But I just got another 10 gallon tank which has 3 tetras, 1 platy, 2 cories, and 1 dalmation something, molly maybe. The previous owner took great care of them and they all get along amazing. But I don't want to have two 10 gallon tanks in my room. Can I put the Betta in with them, or will that be 1) too many fish in a tank (it doesn't seem crowded at all, plenty of hiding places) and 2) dangerous for my betta?

PAL & NTSC PS3 Games Monitor Problem?

Go to Settings > Display settings, (or maybe "video output", I dont remember clearly) on your PS3 and see what you can get there.

Is there any beta games for the pc out right now that i can play?

I have been looking for a good Beta pc game but so far i have not been able to find any.I have tryed APB reloaded but my CPU is not that good so please send the link to the beta site an i will check it out.anything is fine with me MMO all of them so thanks for helping me out

How to style my hair like this, tips?

I suggest using a de-frizzer cream or serum, and also using a heat protectant before using any heat tools on your hair, because if you have wavy hair and you try to straighten it everyday, it will get really damaged. I think it would look pretty if you kept it wavy too, but calm. Also, when your hair is wet, you can blow dry it straight. Good luck, and hope this helps. :)

Where are sum public areas in mississippi to hunt wild hogs?

ive never hunted hogs before i hear pearl wma has them also panther swamp wma has them but i didnt know if there were a certain spot in these management areas to actually spot hogs. ive also been told that along the pearl river is a great place to hunt them also but i just dont know where exactly to i definetly dont want to be trespassing on any private lands. any info will be greatly appreciated . also if there are any land owners that have a problem with hogs on they're property i would love to extract them

Who is this motocross racer?

Can someone tell me why?

My taskbar Internet connection icon is telling me i have i have no connection, when in actural fact it is connected.I have tried everything to fix the problem including reloading my router drivers.this is not a major problem, just an annoying one. can u help. thanks

Flash player uninstalled,how do i reinstall?

while installing new security,an error occured.i was sent messages,rescan,uninstall flash player.after reloading security we were left with no flash can i reinstall?

What kind of brake fluid does my 1998 Kawasaki KX 125 take?

Previous owner replaced the original front brake reservoir cover with an aftermarket reservoir cover, so I don't know what kind of DOT(number) brake fluid i need because i need to bleed my brakes. Thanks in advance. I lost my owners manual so i cant use that either =\

What colour is Britney Spears' hair?

I would say a honey blonde with strawberry blonde highlights in her younger pictures. Now, she has a more golden blonde with a bit of ash highlights.

Guitar shop owner, possibly nuts?

There's a guitar sitting in the shop that I really want to buy. It's a gibson Cloud 9, and there's 2 in the shop. it's 8,750$ and the owner of the shop plays both of them. I had the money and had finished buying and refurbishing 3 guitars used from a bad home. As I was making the purchase he asked how many guitars I owned and I told him I couldn't quite count. He told me he wouldn't sell it to me on the grounds that it would not be going to a good home and he liked it too much. Is this illegal or just very stupid?

Hamster question please answer!?

I just got my hamster (its a male syrian) yesturday from a local petstore. The owner gets his hamsters from a local breeder, so his hamsters don't carry wet tail. He aready let me pick him up and pet him. is this ok i dont want to scare him. also he enjoyed running around in his ball and exploring. Is this all ok?

Where can i find a pair of these! ive lookd everywhere?

You could try like Gander mountain or even a fire department/emergency service store. Those people go gaga over those boots lol

Help! Horse aggressive during feeding time!?

My 21 year old Quarter Paint mare has issues with feeding time. She is crazy about grain and we thought about taking her off of it but shes old and its senior grain that helps her with other needs. We have tried holding her, but she drags us around, even with 4 people. we tried shutting the stall door but she kicks it and chips the wood. If someone doesnt get her grain, she goes after them. She is also constantly wanting to go to check for grain in her stall, even while riding. We have to duck when im riding her and she goes barreling into her stall out of control. If we are in the stall trying to feed her she comes in and we scream BACK!!! OUT!! but she turns her butt to us as if shes going to kick us. we have only owned her for a couple months but her previous owners left some of her bad habits alone. This is a dangerous habit and i need help!

What is the typical charge for having a technician reload my operating system?

Rates vary depending upon your location and who you go to. I usually charge $50-$75 per hour, which is typical for my area. Doing a clean install of the OS as well as applying all patches and updates will probably be 2-3 hours, depending upon the speed of the computer and whether there are any hardware or driver issues. As a rough estimate, you're probably looking at roughly $100 or so.

Blackberry bold 9000 help:?

my cousin played a prank on me and typed the WRONG password in 10 times. then i noticed it says wiping and a bar under neath it. once done it is completely useless and just says (Reload software: 513) what do i do

Fallout New Vegas Alternate Endings?

What's the latest point in the game I can save so I can reload the save and proceed with a different story? I want to beat the game out to the fullest by beating all four endings (House, Caesar, Yes Man, NCR) but I don't want to replay the entire game. This might sound confusing. If anyone understands then please reply.

I want to make weapon animations, what's the best thing for this?

I'd like to make gun reload animations and stuff like that. what program or whatever should I download?

Was the U.S the only extremely racist country in the 1900s?

Was the U.S the only extremely racist country in the 1900s. I mean if your an american you know how bad the U.S was when it came to race in the 1900s. You couldnt do anything if you was a minority in America. Especially for africans. People in the south, alabama ,louisiana , florida , used to use the slave babies as alligator bait .when the gator got ahold of the baby the white slave owner came and smashed its head with a hammer .Thats a fact .That made me want to shed tears when i heard that. Other stuff too like discrimination , segregation , random hanging and burning of the slave also. But was any other country like that in the 1900s. I know i am going to get bigotry answers from people but that will be deleted .

Reloading problems with 7.62x54R using Lee Loader dies?

You should try clambering a case that has been re-sized without a bullet. If the bolt will not close on it, you need to figure out why the case is too big.

How Far off is this rat from giving birth?

So I've been volunteering at this animal shelter and I love rats so I always pick them up. There are 2 rats, one of them is fine and always comes out but the other one is a bit shy. I picked up the shy one and noticed that her stomach was rounded at the sides, and it doesn't feel like fat cause it's hard, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. I think it's about 3 weeks cause that's usually when they start to show. Do any rat owners know how far off she is from what I told you?

Why didn't line infantry lie down?

Going back to roman days armies had been massed in various tight formations to fend off cavalry...they just used what they knew and applied it when firearms came along...even in WWI it was still mostly massed...until the machine gun put an end to that at witch point they dug in....military science is in some cases slow to evolve.

Is it possible to receive money from a ebay user with a prepaid credit car?

I'm selling my stuff and I'm going to use a prepaid reload-able not disposable. Let' say I used paypal, could i be able to get money from the buyer into that card. Also could I be a seller without a paypal account.

Does any body have the newest edition seirra reloading manual?

Now the reason i ask this is because i have the 3rd edition manual. But i have notice that seirra has changed the coefficient on this bullet in the book it is .475 (the older book ) and on there website right now the bullet is .462 And i am going to order a very pricey scope with a bdc and i need to know the velocity ( i dont have a crono) of a 168 grain hollow point boat tail out of a 308 win and i am shooting 48 grains of h380 this would help me so much and would be greatly epriciated in my book it says the bullet is doing 2700 hundred feet per thanks again.

Created Neighborhood on Sims 2 ALWAYS Deletes?

So I've been playing the Sims 2 for years! I've been having this problem ever since I got the game, but would always shrug my shoulders and restart everything. But now I want it to stop! Ok, after taking the Sims 2 games off my computer and loading them back on. I would go to create my own neighborhood and my own people and have a great start for quite a few months. Now I have the Sims people without aging so I can have fun with them longer. But after awhile (and I mean almost a year), I'll load the game up and my neighborhood and people disappear! I had no computer problems or fail loadings with this game to make it do this. Now I went to many different help sites and I got many answers. One that was quite popular, but didn't work was to right click neighborhood file on the Sims 2 file and restore. Or reloading the game, or copy and uninstall your game, load it and paste it in. But keep in mind that since this was create, it won't come back by doing this. So what do I do?

Would you be a member of an organisation like this?

a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=4d26a17e877f376a&biw=1024&bih=615" rel="nofollow"…/a

NBA Lockout - What do you think?

Fans are stupid, owners take advantage of them. Fans end up paying hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for stupid tickets...

Husky will not eat dog food?

Mix dry dog food with chicken and rice then gradually decrease the amount of chicken and rice you put in. Don't decrease the amount too fast or you will have to start all over again.

Can i purchase online airline ticket with my temporary greendot visa?

i purchased a new greendot visa reload card and need to use it before my personlized card comes can i use the temporary card to purchase airline ticket online or must i wait the 7 to days to get my personlized card.

What's wrong with my Facebook account?

This problem occurred today, and yesterday. I logged into facebook, like I normally do, and I tried to open my chat window. It didn't open all the way, it just froze, so I reloaded the page and tried the same thing again, and nothing. And it's not that no one was online, because it said on the bar "Chat (47)." And even when I looked to the left side, I didn't my friends' pictures like I usually do. So I thought that was odd. So then I tried to click the notification picture to view my notifications. It did the same thing! It FROZE! And I did the same thing again, I reloaded the page, and it happened again. So then I tried to scroll down my news feed, and usually when I scroll down my news feed, it runs down smoothly, but this time I had to press the downward arrow. And when I pressed it guess what happened? NO, it didn't freeze, it just pushed me back up to the top of the page! And plus, it didn't even show me anymore posts! Then I tried to look at one of my friend's pictures and it froze! I don't know how this problem happened and I don't know what to do! I know facebook has been changing a little, and it might be due to that, but I am an AVID facebook-er, and I can't stand the fact that I can't check my notifications, or see what my friends are doing! So if there's anything that I can do ASAP, please, PLEASE, let me know!

DNS server problem PLEASE HELP!!!?

I am using a sony vaio vgn-nw240f laptop with Windows 7 on a wireless connection with a linksys router. It worked fine until last night when it started telling me that the webpage could not be displayed due to a DNS server error in google chrome, IE worked intermittently however. I have changed my preferred DNS server to and my alternate DNS server to, this allows chrome to work intermittently although it is incredibly slow, will not load my facebook apps or any browser games and webpages only display after repeatedly reloading them. The other laptop in the house, running windows xp is working ok. I really have to get this fixed and have been searching all day to find a fix without luck. Also, I can't access the routers setup page, when I do it asks for a password and my room mate insists that there is no password. What else can I do?! I have tried turning off the modem and router and rebooting them without luck. My computer installed updates last night and I can only assume that it has something to do with that but I don't know how to fix it. I also tried turning off my firewall but that didn't fix anything either. Please, someone, help!!!

Figure skates? (jackson)?

I may not be of a great help, but I also wear Jackson Mystiques and at first, they seemed amazing. after some time same thing happened to me: they (bottoms) hurt a lot and I asked local technician about it. He couldn't help me but after time passed like 2 months later pain stopped by itself. I couldn't afford new skates so I ended up with these. So I think that it may be problem of many Jackson Mystique wearers, not just you. I think you did good thing to accept those used ones. I've been wearing used ones all my life so don't worry. I once washed my skates, but I don't know it that';s a good idea. they started to smell even worse so stick to airing them xD

APB reloaded isn't working for me!!!?

When I open Gamer's First Live and press play now, nothing happens. Ive already downloaded it! It works on my laptop!

Is she flirting? Or does she like me a little?

She was definitely flirting with you. Ask for her number the very next time you see her if you really do like her. Do it or be kicking yourself for some time.

Was she flirting? did she like me? or was she being friendly?

You will never know unless you ask her! You have nothing to loose! Sounds like she likes you too though. You can always start out as friends & go from there!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Which career path should I choose?

I am having some trouble in my life right now. I can not decide on a career path. I am majoring in business at the local community college. It is about the only thing they have that I am interested in. I am not sure what to do. I have changed my mind many many times and I am sure that I will do it again. I am going through a depression right now, nothing seems to interest me anymore and nothing seems to be good enough for me. I have never really been great at anything and I am only going into business because I know that it is a good degree to have. Some things that I enjoy are : History, religion, Anime, watching the history and the discovery channel, I like to read fantasy books and watch fantasy movies and television shows, I like rock music mostly, a little bit of rap and I'm not sure which genre of music they are but I really like the group Enya. There are a few jobs that I think I would like/possible like and they are;historian,small business owner,librarian,writer(possible),history teacher maybe, maybe a theologian, I would love to be an archaeologist but I think you have to have at least a Ph.D to be one. These are the things that I have thought of being. About the only jobs that I have had have been in manufacturing plants or food restaurants and I do not want to do that anymore. I want to enjoy going to work everyday instead of hating it. If anyone can help, then please feel free to do so.

Are thre houses or apartments who dont discrimanate against pit bulls?

I have been researching for past 4-5months on craigslist and got 1no english apt and not much luck. She is 4years old, got her at 8 weeks, current on shots,calm, great with cats,small dogs and children. Sit,shakes,lays,stays,waves,rolls over, and nods yes on command without hesitation. She would pass a pet interview flying colors, or could be a breed embasator, I guess my question is anyone have any knowledge about pittbulls in orlando kisamee area and who rents to owners of pittbulls. Sterotyping is bs. Sorry about any grammer errors. Serious questions looking to move in next 2 months. Thank you for any help...

I can't lunge my horse to save my life; help?

My mare's previous owner, who is also our trainer, lunged her in her bridle and other riding gear without much a problem. I watched him do it once, and she had moved out on about a 40ft circle; he had a very long whip the he held upright while she bucked and ran around. I can deal with bucking and kicking, but I just can't get her to go! I haven't lunged her in about nine weeks, and I used to be able to get her to go out on a twenty foot circle. I tried today to get her to go, and she kept cutting in, even at a walk, and wouldn't move out. She keeps a small 12-ft radius circle and will pin her ears at me and get close to me so she can stop. I keep moving the whip and tugging the rope, but she'll still turn that head in and turn at least one ear at me while flaring her nostrils. Despite my best attempts to move her out, she just keeps making a choppy square kind of shape. When I ask her to trot, she hesitates. She goes into a collected trot and will flip her head and give little squeals if I ask her to go into a working medium trot, and don't get me started on cantering; she bolts, yanks the lunge, and drops to a trot. I know the footing in her paddock is frustrating to work with because it is sand and dirt, and she strains to move in it, but that's the only place smaller than the pasture I can put her in, because I'm nervous about taking her out to the pasture since she dragged me once before during deep heat. She's due to go back into deep heat near July 4th. I don't have an arena to work with; I can work her on 3 acres of my property, two of which are square pastures.

I dropped my HPDV5 laptop and now it's not working, surprise right!?

The read/write heads probably crashed into your hard drive when you dropped it - pretty much destroying it. Sorry, you are most likely looking at hard drive replacement.

My Operation Flashpoint game doesnt install and says install failed HELP!!!?

It takes ages to get to ten percent then it says install failed i tried quitting the game and reloading it and it still doesn't work

Fallout 3 point lookout rewards?

I know i can just reload but i was curious as to what rewards i get for killing desmond or the calvert guy in the end

DO you agree with Rep.Graves:Obama Admin is the most Anti Business ever?

a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=a1585342030d6a54&biw=1128&bih=518" rel="nofollow"…/a

If he lies about little things will he lie about the important stuff?

I am now living with my boyfriend and in the beginning he told me he made a certain amount of money and told me he had just started the job he is working to help his uncle(the owner of the compan) however i found out he has been working there longer. I know we all have secrets that we dont want to share right away. However, i have not lied about anything. so my question is if he lied to me about those things, do you think he is lying to me about his feelings and his intentions too?

Danielle Bux vs. Danielle Panabaker?

i think they are both attractive in their own way but Danielle Panabaker has such a beautiful smile, so I'm going to choose her as the prettiest. They are both good looking though.

APB Reloaded (Not Reaching System Requirements??)?

Okay, so me and my cousin have been going insane about APB reloaded. She went home and downloaded it and played it really simple. But when i tried it keeps saying "Your Computer Doesn't reach system requirements" It says i'm missing >> Pentium(R) Dual-core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz << But i have it sooooooooo Yeaa? i don't know what to do

My samsung wave is being stupid.?

when its unplugged, the battery symbol keeps being full then down to two bars and keep's 'reloading' power. But uh, that can't happen cause... its unplugged. it wont connect to the chargerproperly, OR connect to my computer. Whats worng, im thinking the port, but .. i know nothing :P

How can I legally warn potential homebuyers of seller's faulty business practices?

Two years ago, I purchased my first home. The house was sold through a real estate company;however, the individual owner remodeled the home as a "flip-house" and never actually lived here. He hired incompetent people to rework the entire home. This individual has now purchased my neighbors home. I know the house will require several repairs and updating. My question is how do I warn potential home buyers of this man's con artist ways. I do not believe I can do anything about the money pit he sold me, but I would like to save someone else some of the catastrophes that i have endured. Can I put a sign on my property warning people to avoid buying one of his homes. I want everyone to know the sorry work this man does. Please help.

How can I get my Streampad player on Tumblr to not reload all the time?

I have a multitude of links on my Tumblr page but every time you click on one, my streampad player at the bottom of my page restarts the music. With player it doesnt do this but messes up my infinite scroll. Any help would be appreciated! thxx!:))

Where can I find the dog laws in my city/state?

Is this what you're looking for: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

PS3 40 GB Hard Drive data to another Hard Drive?

I have recently purchased a new 250 GB Hard Drive as I want to upgrade my Fat 40 GB PS3, However I want to back up my data in order to transfer it to the new Hard Drive. I don't want to lose saves or games or trophies that I have spent hours upon. Can anyone teach me how to transfer the data and how to reload it? Thanks!

Will Red Box Put All DVD/Movie Rental Company's Out Of Business ...?

Netflix, yo. Plus, Blockbuster Express has started popping up everywhere, too. So, they may not put all other video rental stores out of business, but they have helped change the way renting is done. Them and Netflix, that is.

An earthquake to hit New Zealand in half an hour?

'Rolling earthquakes,' that sounds like what would follow a violent polar shift. I've read that if the poles were to quickly shift the surface of the planet would resemble the waves in the ocean.

Where can i download windows 98?

i wanted to have windows 98 again. is this legal? im asumeing its legal because it hasnt been supported for several dinosaur ages. i have the requirements to run this OS. if you havnt guessed it i have a Veeeeeery old computer siting in my closet waiting for a reload of windows 98. so please give a link or whatever... thanks

I Googled My Yahoo Name...?

some sites have questions and some of those questions have been asked here on yahoo answers so those sites copy our question and answers to that. get it?

Google Chrome Cannot Find "....." Try Reloading?!?

Almost Every Time I Try to Open a Webpage in Google Chrome, a Message Comes Up "Google Chrome Cannot Find http://(website).com Try Reloading..." and Then I Have to Reload the Page Like 5 Times to get it to Load, I've Had Really Fast 4gb Laptops, and All of Them have this Problem. My Internet Connection is Great. This is VERY Frustrating. Anyone Else Have this Problem? How do You Fix it?

[POLL] Game 7 of the World Series on the line. Your team is up 3-0 going into the bottom of the ninth...?

How bad? As a fan, I'd probably invest in a high amount of anti-depressants. I'd also probably have a broken fist from punching hard s hit, like the wall. I'd also throw a tantrum probably. I don't think I'd ever be able to recover from this, considering how most Mets fans will never forget about the 1988 NLCS upset loss against the Dodgers, the 1999 NLCS loss to the Braves, the 2000 WS loss to the Yankees, 2006 NLCS loss to the Cardinals nor the collapses of 2007 and 2008. Mets fans are deeply haunted by all of those events to this day, so this nightmarish ending sounds like a cause for massive suicide.

How do I enable Yahoo! Answers email communications?

This question has been posted before and someone responded, "On My Activity click Edit My Preferences. Click Privacy and Communications." However, when I click "My Activity" the page just reloads itself. Nothing changes and nothing new shows up. What gives?

TV has lost its color?

Ive had my tv for about 4 years I think its Best Buys model off the floor and the other day without me doing any thing it went to black and white and I cant get it back to color Ive try unplugging it nothing, messing with the settings nothing so I dont know what to do the on/off and volume are still in color I dont have the owners manual because I got it open box.

27 year old man, never had a relationship but I'm not a virgin!?

awwww... you should write a book... i didn't really see a question asked but i say just go for any girl u are attracted to and go for it! hey what do you have to loose, right?

On a camera (not digital), what does the P, Tv, Av, M etc mean?

It means what the owner's manual says. About time you read it. And blurring the background is not accomplished with a particular setting. Read a basic photography book for that.

Is it right for my boyfriend to keep all the money?

If he hired your b/f to do the job, then yeah it's his job. If you were both hired to do it then it should be split.

What kind of agreement do police have with tavern owners that they allow drunks to come out into the .....?

You'd be surprised how many are made on the sidewalk outside the tavern for "Drunk and disorderly conduct." Then car keys are found in the pocket and .............

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does this prove that the US GOVT is evil by having the ATF sell Mexican Drug Cartels Guns?

In Order for the governmment to pass more gun control laws, because they can say , Look at all these problems guns are causing, so they forced Gun Dealers along the border to sell guns to cartels or they would strip them of their gun license a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=3755f79ae7c76119&biw=1024&bih=568" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I change the language on the display on my truck?

I have an '06 Silverado extended cab z71 off-road truck. The electronic display right below the speedometer is in some weird language, like it writes boucler ceinture when you dont have your seatbelt buckled and shows totilaseutur for the miles on the truck. On the owners manual it says there is a control for changing the language on the steering wheel but there isn't, so how do I change the language?

Are my eyes hazel or green?

Not my picture but my eyes look identical to this:

How do you reload an acer iconica 500?

There are two ways to do it. Check out the following Acer support page for hardware based or software based reset to factory original:- a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is a Great Custom or Factory made gaming laptop on the budget of $600?

I'm looking for a Great Gaming Laptop on the budget of 600, i'm going to pick on the most high end one on the list that is made, So, please help me! 600 dollars, im going to be playing games such as APB: Reloaded, League of Legends, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and some others with similar graphics, Thank you!

Call of duty black ops question?

when i pick up a gun from a dead player, i see that they seem t have warlord and slieght of hand. how o you do that? an example is that i see gun with a silencer and a red dot sight and slieght of hand. so tht men they and slight of hand and warlord. another example is dual mags and red dot. i reload twice to make sure it is slight of hand. how do you have sleight of hand and warlord? plz help

Why are Republicans pushing for continued tax breaks for jet owners, yacht owners, oil companies?

Half of them are the owners of those items, the other half are stupid enought to beilve the lies they tell them.

Are you good at Python scripts?

Your question is too broad. What text would you need to copy? everything on a page or only part of it. Having it run once an hour is not a python issue, it's an issue with your operating system. Different systems have different ways of running a script once an hour.

Watch this black ops multiplayer ray gun video?

Choose the first video.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=5043d3175d2b1a88

Horse won't go forward?

hey, ok,so I'm exercising a 14.2 highland cross pony around 13yrs old. I went out on her without any other horses and the owner walked beside me,but whenever the owner stopped, the horse(sugar) wouldn't walk any further. I'd talk to her nicely or use my legs firmly,nothing worked she wouldn't go forward at all, in any direction. then the owner would walk forward again and Sugar would go forward. the week before, they brought another pony out to go infront and Sugar was great. Do you have any advice? why is she doing this? how can i solve the problem? thank you in advance.

Toontown won't load? :( HELP!!!?

A while back Toontown was installed to Internet Explorer on this computer. But I tried to go on it again today and it didn't work. I went on the site, clicked Play Now, logged in, and it went straight to the 'you need to install it' page for less than a second then reloaded and froze. How can I play Toontown on this computer? It's a Dell PC..Thanks!

Browser Hijacker virus?

A couple of days ago, I got a nasty browser hijacker virus on my computer. After several attempts to remove it with typical programs, I decided to restore the factory settings on the computer. Before I did this, I transferred all of my personal docs and photos to a disk. My question is, could they be infected, or is it safe to reload them onto the computer?

Scarlet Macaw Body Language?

What is are a Scarlets macaw body language? Any detail I could give me! (I'm just trying to learn from other owners of parrots so please no bad comments)

Cultures: Why do some people find muscular females attractive?

I'm sure that a few men find the overly muscular girls attractive, but not many. Men generally like feminine women. Which is not to say that athletic women aren't attractive, it's just those body builders that are unattractive.

Exchanging WIC formula?

My daughter's pediatrician put Gentleease on my WIC card for our daughter to try because we were unsure if it was reflux she had or a lactose allergy. We took all of the formula off yesterday (7 cans) and our pediatrician told us it's not reflux since she's still gaining weight. It's an allergy. And she wants us to switch to soy right away. Now we have 7 cans we can't use and my card doesn't get reloaded til the 8th. What do I do?

Do you have any horrible restaurant stories?

A few years ago I was driving across the US when I stopped at a tiny place in Missouri for lunch. I walked inside to find a dull, but, unsurprising room with a few fake plants and uncomfortable seats. I ordered a bacon, turkey and tomato sandwich from a waitress that was either a mute or didn't speak English. The sandwich came with a side of chips that were stale. I bit into the sandwich after deciding against the chips to have my mouth filled with what tasted like vomit. The tomato was rancid. I spat it out looked at the waitress, realizing there was no recourse for me to take with her I left a $10 on the counter and walked out. I Googled the restaurant name recently to find that it had been shut down after its owner was arrested for making meth in a shed out back.

Would most people like their lawn service company to write "thanks!" at the end of EVERY bill?

I usually mow my own grass. Occasionally some-one may come by and help. And I usually say thank-you because I appreciated the help. So I guess you should say thank-you for your business to all your customers. However I guess I don't understand the amount due? If you just mowed someone grass, they should pay you, when you finish the job. Otherwise you might be working for free.

Frostwire problems!!!?

I recommend u just stop using it..I used to use it and my computer went all slow so I had to buy a new one...u should download music off the Internet instead..try's wut I use

Can i buy an car from a owner and receive FAFSA?

this is America and you can buy whatever in the heck you want. Fafsa is just the name of a form you fill out to get federal student aid and in NO WAY can read your mind or know your actions about what you buy or don't Why would a form care anyway? What an odd question....

Ar 15 bieng an inaccurate sh*t head?

my m&p15 is shooting low. like way low. like 1ft low at 100 yards kinda low i sighted it in at 25 yards. and it shot high about 8 inches at 100 yards. now its shooting low (all of this is at 100 yards) i shot 4 loads of reloaded ammo on the 5 targets on a grid target and they all showed up in one big hole in the middle of the target at 25 yards i couldnt get anything on paper at 100 yards. i would like to know why my riifle is ****in up. i aprecciate your time thank you. also its a sport so it doesnt have a chrome lined barrel if that makes a difference the reloads were shooting the same as factory ammo i shot the same day so its not them... i have a 6x optic by ncstar that my dad got me for my birthday. maybe its bent haha.

Slip and Fall Lawsuite Employee implications?

Okay so about two months after I started at my job I was closing. It was one of the first few times I mopped. We only do it on weekdays. After finishing the room I shut off the lights. After heading to the front desk a women had gone back into the room and fell filed an accident report and WALKED out. We didn't need to call an ambulance, their was no serious visible injuries at the time. It was a little over a year later before she followed suit. She's now suing my manager and owner of the franchise. The woman refused to settle its now going to court. My question is what can happen to me as the employee that ultimately caused the accident?

How can I tell how many weeks a rat is pregnant?

So I've been volunteering at this animals shelter and I love rats so I always pick them up. There are 2 rats, one of them is fine and always comes out but the other one is a bit shy. I picked up the shy one and noticed that her stomach was rounded at the sides, and it doesn't feel like fat cause it's hard, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. I think it's about 3 weeks cause that's usually when they start to show. Do any rat owners know how far off she is from what I told you?

Please help me, i have a problem with yahoo mail that nobody else is reporting?

I've experienced this problem on other parts of the yahoo! service. TRY THIS: Delete all yahoo! cookies (look in both your stored and your allowed and blocked cookie lists). Then try accessing your email again.

I reformatted my hard drive. Since I reloaded windows XP Pro operating system, my sound does not work.?

Since reloading the XP Pro operating system, the sound does not work. How can this be fixed or replace?

Where can i buy reloabable brass for 7.62X54r for my nagant?

i have surplus BUT i want the option of reloading rounds for my nagant so i dont have to keep buying surplus please send me links for RELOADABLE 7.62X54r

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why don't girls wear dresses anymore?

I'm assuming you mean little girls and not just girls in general. little girls don't wear dresses because they are not conducive to active play which modern-day children need more of than looking cute due to obesity scares imo.. Girls in general don't wear dresses because they are often uncomfortable, embarrassing to walk up open staircases in, blow up in the wind, and are less adaptable to various weather situations.

Can I kiss with a retainer? Help Please?

DEFINITELY NOT!! unless they are permanently attatched with some kind of glue. Ive heard stories of it coming off! i wouldnt risk it

Ive been asked to make a statemnet to the police, do i have to?

a man passed my gate with a shitzu, my german shepard and my labrador were in my garden, the shitzu owner then claimed that my labrador approached him and he fed him a biscuit, he than claimed that my german shepard came out to him and attacked his shitzu. my partner was in the house at the time and came out of the house to see what said man was shouting at. he admitted to feeding my dog and said that he was going to call the police. My partner cannot be sure as to weather the gate was open, but he came in the house and my shepard was in the garden and when he came back out the shepard was still in the garden. The police arrived and asked me to sign a form stating that my dog was to be kept undercontrol at all times and that a copy of this was being sent to the dog warden and the form would also be used in evedance should he "attack" again. i refused as there were no witnessess to this and ive now been asked to attend the police station to make a statemnet. do i have to do this?

Looking For A New Anime To Watch... Any Suggestions?

try these 2 sites it dub and subs okay. i hope it helps. here my list yuyuhaksho and shaman king and zoids 1 2 and 3

My 3 months old puppy was bitten to death in front of my eyes.. So so sad...?

I was walking in the park with my little miko, which was a Maltese shih Tzu. Then a pitbull from another owner suddenly ran into my dog and bit it to until it died.. I tried so hard to get it let go but the stupid dog wouldn't until miko lost her breath.. Its her 3 months birthday today.. Ive been thinking of her special treat for today... But now I will never have the chance to give her all that.. I haven't gone back home since that happened.. I am so afraid and I don't know how to bear with the pain when she's not by the door wagging her little tail to me when I open the door.. I was so happy the day before when the vet said she was very healthy.. I can't help but blame myself for taking her to the park at that time..!! I'm an idiot..

We bought a house on land contract 2 years ago and now the owner is filing bankruptcy. What do we do?

We bought a house by land contract 2 years ago. We have never missed a payment and the mortgage is, as of now, paid up to date. The guy we purchased from (the guy who still holds a mortgage on the property) was a small business owner and his business went under. Now, he is filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy because of his business losses, but this only allows him to protect the house he personally lives in, despite the fact the mortgage on this property is good. His lawyer is telling us to just keep making the mortgage payments (directly to the mortgage company rather than thru him) and well be good because it's not in default. The mortgage is thru GMAC, who we hear are not fun to work with. Are we going lose the house? Should we stop making payments? Scared sh*tless right now, we have three children, have invested a lot of money into the house on renovations (roughly $10K), and we recieved the $8K Home Buyers Tax Credit when we signed the contract. Feel like we're in deep. HELP!!!

What male teenage actor do u find beter looking?

The second one, marginally. But only because he looks a bit like my little stepbrother. Not sexually obviously. He's about 10 years too young for me lol!

What is that yugioh card called?

Which is the one where you return all spell and traps cards on the field (regardless of position) to their owners?

Am I Indexed By Google Nor Not?

Your website not indexed by Google yet.I checked it fully.There are lots of free tool available where you can check it easily.Only 1 page index in Bing or 1 in MSN.No one index in yahoo too...

What tools do you use for realistic sketching?

My art pencils along with skinny & fat blending sticks (the "HB" pencil is for black clear lines, I use 2B-8B pencils)

OMG POKEMON R REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

I have proof! Here's a link: a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=77b2daac70e21a39&biw=1024&bih=578" rel="nofollow"…/a

Sony vegas Failed to initialize script host.?

It works fine on my laptop windows 7 but on my desktop when I tried to install it, everything went fine I received my code and for some reason the script will not work! I already had my entire computer system cleaned, checked had windows Vista reloaded etc, why won't Sony work? I already tried to re-install

Which pop star do I look like ?

Defffinately Nicki Minaj. Search her on google before she was famous, or try America Fererra, shes spanish ! i think ya look like both!

Minecraft not loading! Help!!!?

Hey. just uninstall your minecraft, including the add on, but dont delete any folders. Re-install, and all your saves will still be there. Try a different add on, or just keep re-trying. I dont have minecraft, but Doom 3 was doing similar things, and this worked to get the base game going again.

Legality of mailing unloaded shotgun shells?

I am selling a shotshell reloading machine, and am wondering what the laws are on mailing spent shotgun shells. I would love to include them in the package (get an extra $5 and get them out of my room) but I don't know how legal it is to put spent (empty) shotgun shells in the mail. Would it be legal to mail spent shotgun shells?

Do you believe Mia Yim is good looking enough to be a WWE diva (pictures included)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

InFamous 2 Skins Question?

I want the reaper and (more preferable) the kessler skin. ive tried the website where it prompts you to complete a survey and get a random code generator, and when I complete the survey, it just reloads me to thee same page and prompts me to complete it again. Ive created an account, so when i try to login its says "login failed" I need these codes FREE. Thanks!

Is it possible to receive money from a ebay user with a prepaid credit car?

I'm selling my stuff and I'm going to use a prepaid reload-able not disposable. Let' say I used paypal, could i be able to get money from the buyer into that card. Also could I be a seller without a paypal account.

Just won a small koi fish and need care tips!?

So I was at the fair with my friends. We saw a cool game that gave small koi fish out for prizes and we actually won. I didnt want to give him back because the guy wouldnt take him and he said that he needed to get rid of the fish or they would be eaten. I paid, so I got the fish. I have a 40 gallon tank with lots of different fish that are friendly, except for one black tailed shark that I am thinking of giving to my friend. So this fish is small, orange and white with flowy tails. I think he is a koi, but not a huge one and he will not get HUGE. Just a small, cute little koi. I am a very good pet owner( dogs, cat, fish, horse) so I will care for him, but are they agressive? Do they eat regualr fish flakes? I have tropical fish flakes. How long do they live? Do they like lots of plants? I have tons of plants in my tank. Are they easy keepers? Will he get lonley? If he needs anything, I can just run over to the local pet store that is big on fish. I need to know all about this fish!! Thanks!

What would you do if their was a Zombie Outbreak?

I would surround my house with treadmills so every time they tried getting close...whoops off they go

Is it true religion will end in 2012? ..i'm scared!?

a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=f17ae772ca1ea813&biw=1244&bih=470" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do some people say this guy is black?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I have a 96 acura t.l that wont start up anymore?

I looked at the engine and noticed that belt #3 was missing see image. Whats the name of that belt and is that the reason my cat wont start. Thanks!

Why won't my MFC 9440cn printer work?

It says No Paper. Reload paper in MP tray. There is already printer in the tray and I've tried different amounts of paper and taking the tray out and putting it back in. What's going on and how do I fix this?

Fuzz on computer moniter, then computer wont boot...whats the problem?

The power light on the computer goes on....and everytime it does I always hear something spin and then a "beep". But today...all I heard was the spinning and no "beep" and the computer wont boot up. It started happening when I saw a colorful snow (like you do when you see snow on a tv screen) on the Moniter. I reload the computer and now it wont boot up..just a continuous spinning noise. Anybody know whats the problem? I have a emachine windows vista

How do I get my games to work again from USB Loader GX?

My Wii was jail broke for me and it cost $80. I have a bunch of games on it and it worked fine until recently when it was unplugged then plugged back in. Now when I go to my USB Loader it gives me a black screen with codes and at the bottom it say Reloading in 5 seconds, but it doesn't do anything. HELP!!! I can't afford to pay someone to fix this.

I have a blackbarry storm and i tried to put my password several times but i failed?

then the screen on my phone is now white white a message saying "reload software 513" how can i fix it ?

Why won't sims 3 work on my computer?

I got the sims 3 on sunday and loaded it all that day. I can go to the game launcher but when I click on the play button it says that there is no disc found. I reloaded it on today and still won't work and says that there still is no disc found. Please help me!!!

My ATT Yahoo mail started to run slower. Typed words appear very slowly?

Sometimes the pages reload slowly, but the one symptom no one has mentioned here is when I type the characters are slow to appear. I have ran several security programs ( Yahoo-McAfie Internet Suite. Windows Defender, Malware Bytes) more I don't remember at this time. Is there a virus or is it a settings problem. And yes I triad a Virus software scan mentioned here,( Beagle Virus was mentioned to be the culpert) ) which told me I had over 1000 erorrs and that they would fix 100 of them for free. The others would cost and there would be no promise that the virus would be remover

Skype refuses to allow me to sign up...?

I have now spent three days trying to sign up for skype. I go on the web page, I fill in the informations field, pick a user name that checks out, my password is approved for use, I type the random words at the bottom and the page reloads telling me I need to pick a country and a language, I pick USA and English, try again, and it again says I need to pick a country and a language... I've been doing this for three days, in order to contact customer support I need to sign on... are these guys retarded?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


My family and i just move to a big house and we have a pretty big backyard, I have always wanted to own a dog, but never got one. My only 3 favourite types of dogs are ROTTWEILER, GERMAN SHEPARD, and SIBERIAN HUSKY, I read few books and these book recommend this types of dogs only for experienced dog owners, but I really like these dog and wouldn’t get anything other than one of them. I really hate grooming but if little I can manager it for them, I live in Canada which means most of times it is cold weather here and snows a lot…My question is which one of these dogs would be the best choice for me? And do I need to pay a monthly insurance for the dogs as well?

Cannot access modem from desktop but fine from laptop?

I was having problems with my desktop so I reloaded Windows XP onto it. In the meantime I have had my laptop connected directly into my cable modem to use the internet for a couple of weeks. I want to have my wireless network downstairs from the desktop and according to the router and cable company instructions I need to be able to access the internet from the computer (the dekstop) in order to install the router. My problem is that I have the modem all set up and connected to the cable and into the desktop but it won't connect to the internet. In this same configuration, if I plug the Ethernet to my laptop I have my internet connection. Because I just reloaded Windows XP and it is a completely clean slate, is there anything I have to do to that computer to allow it to go online because it can't be a problem with the modem since I am using it to type this question. What should I do? Thanks!

Adopting horse, horse owners opinion?

So, the horse I reallllly wanted to buy was just sold:( but my landlord (who I'm also about to board from) has another horse she just rescued. Her plan is to break it and train it, and possibly rehome him. But she said maybe I could purchase him? Hes really pretty, but hes not very....broke, right now. He got loose and came over to my yard and so I got him on a lead (after a bit of a fight) and then called her to tell her (my landlord) that he was up here. Hes reallyamazing once you get him calmed down, hes brown the flea-bitten grey starting from his jaw and going down to his nose in two stripes on both sides. With flea-bitten grey rings around his ankles. After hes a little more sound and sane, would it be ok to buy him? I mean, I feel like he just needs someone to really show him some love? Thanks

What should i add to my warrior deck?

take out hibikime , top runner , and the six samurai because hibikime is useless , add speed warrior , junk synchron , take out gaia and replace it with swift gaia , add junk warrior , junk archer , junk destroyer , and colossal fighter , and command knight with can boost your monsters .

Windows won't load: Toshiba L455D?

Try looking for something that says "Recovery and Applications/Drivers" or something similar on it. Sometimes the OS in on that CD instead of on a separate one.

Are my dogs showing pack behavior?

This random Male Black Lab came around my neighborhood and we couldn't find his owner. When we tried to see how he acted around my Female Spaniel-Fiest Mix, Alli, my dog submitted to him. She put her tail all under her legs, rolled on her back, and licked his nose. I thought it could be for mating, but Alli is only a puppy (Born Dec. 27, 2010) and this is not mating rituals or whatever dogs do for mates. I study wolves and this seems like the type of pack behavior an Omega wolf would show towards a higher ranking wolf. I need proof of the answers also (Through science or whatever).

What Is this chook looking at? (pics)?

She is looking at a drunken unicorn. He is tired and just fell asleep on the road. She's thinking... glad i didn't get a drink.

When buying a used car form its owner, what to look for?

that he/she has the title to it that it runs and are they willing to have you take it to a mechanic so you can have it checked out

My iPhoto isn't loading?

Every time i click on it, it just stays on the gray screen with the spinning loading symbol. (not the colorful wheel) I have tried restarting my computer and quiting iphoto and reloading it. does anybody know how to fix this problem?

Jews - What's the Kabbalistic significance of the "six million gates" and how is it connected to the holocaust?

I do not know what this passage means, but I do not believe that it has any connection with the holocaust. Kabbalists are heavily into numerology, so if you search their literature for any number you are interested in, you are liable to find it.

Why after I gave him a new outdoor home he died?

My rabbit that I've had for 6 or more years was inside in a cage 24/7. After several weeks of contemplating and getting advise I gave him a new outdoor home. I thought it was for the best and he would be with other bunnies and have all sorts of room. This was last Sunday. I got a call on Wednesday from his new owner telling me that he had past away. I just dont understand. He was eating, drinking, and socializing. I cannot help to blame myself. I just dont know what to do. He was very well taken care of and cuddled with. I loved him dearly and thought that I was doing the best thing for him. Any advice?

How to get that last foot trimmed?

I have a 3/4 Percheron 1/4 mustang 4year old mare that I bought in November last year. She hadn't been handled much and the previous owners said the last farrier only got to 2 of her feet and said she was fighting to much. I worked with her and got her used to having her feet picked up/out, before i called the farrier. It took over an hour and a half to get all 4 feet trimmed and on the last one her right hind she was pretty much done with us. But I've had him out 3 times since then and she wont even let him get close to the right hind, she has takin to warning kicking even. He can get the other 3, but not that 1. I regularly pick her hooves and she's fine with all of them. I don't know what else to do. I've had my brother and boyfriend pick it up and she is slightly hesitant, but will pick it up.

Are there any open world shooter games?

I was wondering if there were any open world shooter games like All Points Bulletin: reloaded or grand theft auto? For PC :D

Herbal totally twisted shampoo help!?

To be honest it wont exactly end up like that. Its just the shampoo so once you rinse it out its gone. For stellar results you need to use the conditioner and the other products under the Totally Twisted Line.

What's the name of Gerard Pique's beard?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My Keyboard is not working?

I can log on to my computer (user Name and Password) but after that it only bleeps I have tried all the normal remedies ie Usb or PS2 reload drivers, If I log on remotely the same issues happen it works to log on but not working only bleep or click noise when yeys are depressed, This is sent from other machine. John

Who do you think is prettier?

I love selena gomez and all but i think first is nina also vanessa looks kinda uglyish not to be mean or anything

What is the difference between grid and grid reloaded?

grid reloaded is supposibly the sequel to grid which features more cars, tracks and "better" visuals and gameplay...

Help identifying bike please!?

i think ive seen that sort of bike and bikes like it at my local biking shop, just look around. just saying it if it helps.

Is this spellcaster Yu-Gi-Oh deck good? rating/comments?

unlike most people i enjoy this deck its good but id exchange one poly for a fusion sage and add a skilled white magician to pull out buster blader add Magical Citadel of Endymion for an easier way to get dark magician and buster and good luck and i give it 7 how it sets and a 9 if u make those little changes

1999 monte carlo suddenly wont turn over?

i have a 1999 monte carlo and have never had a problem with it. today i got my new car subwoofer amp in the mail so i decided to go and hook it up. i got all the wires run and the negative wire grouded out and everything. the last part was the positive wire. i went to undo the bolt which is actually on the fuse panel/box but it was rusty and wouldent come loose so i figured i run down to walmart and grab some wd40 but when i went to start the car nothing happened. all of the lights come on and all accesories work but no turning over at all. the starter motor does not make any sound at all. the only noise to be heard is a click in the fuse box and a louder click towards the rear of the engine after i let go of the key. i kept trying and after 30 tries it finnaly started. i let it run for a few minutes, shut it off and tried again and once again wont turn over. so far i have removed battery terminals and done a quick cleaning nothing crazy. and no difference so far. also one thing i find weird is that behind the bottom dash panel is a small led that im pretty shure ws installed by the previos owner. it has a black and red wire and a resistor and the led is flashing. i have no idea what this is. also the security light has been on since i have had the car and i have a spare key with no chip that works so i think the passcode system has aready been bypassed. before i take the car the garage i need some feedback just in case its anything i can do. as said before i have never ever had a problem with the car starting before.

I'm having problem with my browser anyone knows how to fix it?

okay my problem is that some of the pages I enter load all wrong or just don't load at all on the first try, most of them I have to reload like 5 times for them to actually load properly. I have tried clearing my internet history, cleaning my PC even resetting the modem modem but nothing works so if anyone can be of any assist I would be really great full thanks

What's a good load for a 50 Cal Black Powder TC Pro Hunter?

I recently purchased a TC ProHunter 50 Cal Black powder. I would like some reloading recommendations for the best powder, bullets and load.

Crosman Pulse R76 issue?

heres what you do, find someone who is a total noob at airsoft, and sell it to them, then save your money and buy a good gun, you could not possibly fix that thing because they are all wired like ****, cuz they are ****, sorry but they are, and dont waste your money by getting a aeg thats like $130, i would recommend if you dont want to spend over $200, then go for the dboys scar, but if i were you i would just keep saving my money, because the scar will have problems sooner or later, i would save $300-$400 and get some amazing gun either a KWA, Classic Army, VFC, King Arms, but do your research on em and see what you want, those guns are going to last you a while though, and you will be happy with their performance, i wasted $300 on crappy guns, and i wish i would have just saved that and spent it on 1 good gun, if your going to spend under $250 id go with a very good sniper, like a utg l96, or a tsd sd98 or somthing good, and be a sniper, cuz those are generally less maintinence than AEG's, before you buy anything though just DO YOUR RESEARCH, look at forums, different airsoft websites for price comparisons, stick to evike, airsoftgi, and maybe airsoftmegastore, and watch youtube vids on the guns to learn about them

How does this make me incapable of owning a dog?

I'll respond to your previous question. Have you looked at German Shorthaired Pointers? The link is a quiz that will pop out a bunch of breeds that could fit your requirements. I also think you should spend a long day at a dog show and talk to people about the dogs you see.

What is a good video quality enhancing/improving program?

The only software that does that is in your imagination. You cannot add information once it has been removed. There's very little that can be done to improve the quality of a heavily-compressed video, certainly nothing that would make a worthwhile difference. What you're looking for is not possible.

Is It Weird That I Kinda Like My Friend's Brother?

not at all actually, you answered it yourself, hes cute and your type...and if she knows he likes you and is almost helping it along shes probably ok with it too, so i say go for it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Subway's Rule On Checks?

okay i work at subway and every week its a totally different story every week, like our checks are never brought to us at a set time and today i had to wait 7 hours before i finally got my check brought to the store today. and i really needed my money. the owners always bring them when they have time too and its the same story everyday. Is there like something about having a rule for the owners or something i mean i shouldent have to wait around for hours for my paycheck on my day off on payday. i stop my 9 week old ferret hob biting?

I just got a baby ferret hob iv had him 4 days he was fine for the first 2 days he never attempted biting now i pick him.up and he swings around and bites me he is always played with and handled he is fed 3 times a day i buy him james wellbeloved and i buy him ferret treats accasionally i treat Vegtables i really cant see why he is doin this i would never punish him am i doin the right things i am a first time.ferret owner please help if you can? X

Youtube problem loading, red bar?

Its not that videos dont load, its that i dont see the red bar getting larger when it does. It loads but the bar that indicates how much is loaded doesnt even move at all even when it is fully loaded and when i reset after loading the whole vid, I'll try to forward and it'll reload as if it wasnt loaded entirely. What theck is the problem?

What do you think of these chicks?

Both hideous. The first has the ugly face/ skinny body that men inexplicably find attractive thing going on, and the second has ugly face/ big boobs. Common in porn stars.

Are the sounds made form gun apps copyrighted?

I would like to use the sound made from the shotgun gun app (the app where you can reload and fire on your iphone) for this school project, but teacher is making us check whether or not it is copyrighted. I know that certain sounds can be copyrighted like the sound that is made when you turn on your computer, but I am wondering if the sound made from the gun app is copyrighted... Thanks for answering!

How to get hair like this?

Uh.....well, this is like 90's hair, which required to use 90's products.....which, they dont sell anymore. but try hair curlers & LOTS & LOTS of hairspray

Are m-1 garands good rifles?

so im turning 18 in about a month and im lookin forward to being able to flex my 2nd amendment and think im might go with an m-1. seems like the perfect piece of equipment i heard theyre pretty cheap and seems like a good all purpose rifle to me with a nice medium sized round aside from the fact you have to empty all your rounds before reloading and that 30-06 rounds are kinda on the expensive side, wats your word on these rifles? and if u could lemme know how much one usually costs thatd be cool

Why is my facebook account temporarily unavailable?

whenever i try to comment or like something on fb it doesn't work and then says my account is temporarily unavailable... so then i keep reloading and eventually it lets me go on for like 2 mins then it says my account is unavailable again. and btw it happens on 3 different browsers.(safari, firefox, and chrome) plz help <3 thx!

What are butterfly mollies? i saw them at petco?

Have you ever had guppies? Mollies are fish that breed quick and easy like guppies, they're pretty and they don't require any extra attention too. You just feed them and keep their tank clean. They are very good in community tanks and they grow pretty fast. Mollies actually can't get that big, about 2" at most I believe. Also, I wouldn't say they need to be in big groups but I would definatly recomend that you have atleast 3. :)

How do I make Real anime pictures?

I've been drawing anime for a real long time, but only with pencil. I want to learn how to make real ones with color like this

What's wrong with my laptop?

Your graphics card is acting up or is too slow to refresh it's memory contents. Try updating the driver.

Can Allison Wonderland be a WWE diva (pictures included)?

She's hot in a natural sort of way. There's too many perfect girls around mainstream especially in WWE, it starts to get plain and boring, for example I don;t find kelly, kelly attractive at all or Eve I find them both repulsive, childish, embarrassing and most of all non-talented.

Smart reloader powder measure and scale?

I have recently bought a electric powder measure and scale combo from smart reloader the model is a iSD reloading powder scale and dispenser I was wondering if it is any good, once I adjusted the speed it works fine but has anybody had and bad experience with it? Like how long does it last, I have seen some bad reviews about some other products from them

NBA 2011-2012 Lockout: does anyone care?

I'm very upset by the lockout. I'm huge fan of professional basketball. And in my opinion there is no need for such a lockout. Think of the rookies who are gonna be on the roster this year, their dream is to play NBA basketball and unfortunately they made not be able to because of the lockout. Me, personally, I'll be upset if any games will be lost.

Sig sauer compared to Glock?

I'm considering buying either a Sig sauer p250 or a Glock g19 or g23. I've received mixed reviews between the sigs and glocks, I've heard that glocks last longer but are less accurate than a sig. Im leaning towards the p250 because of the interchangeable rounds option. (I would probably end up shooting mostly 9mm though) any owners of both that have any advise?

How to Bond with a Scarlet macaw.?

How to bond and trick train my Scarlet Macaw which is 7 years old? But is kind of scared of me and well bite me sometimes! (Im just trying to learn from other parrot owners so please no bad comments)

Can i sue for these reasons help asap?

Ok well im 20 and when i was 15-18 i lived in washington and was sold alcohol at 7-11 can the owner be sued for letting this happen? He has been busted for selling to underage people before the guys that use to work there that he fired cause all of them use to sell to me have agreed to be on my side with the whole thing and agree that alcohol was sold to me from that store i even have freinds and family that have seen me walk in and buy alcohol there along with my fathers ex fiance that wasnt to happy about it. Do you think i have a chance at sueing him?

Doutzen Kroes vs. Drea de Matteo?

Drea De Matteo.. she has something attractive i dont find Doutzen Kroes that attractive and she also lives in The Netherlands like me.

Why hasn't Law Enforcement done anything about the coordinated attacks by black youths on Businesses in NYC?

Stop using kit gloves with these punks a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9d48d3b0c206fd1d" rel="nofollow"…/a

What should i do? Help!?

yes it will you exercise you will not only lose fat, you will gain the "man boobs', will become muscular....and not while the chest might still be there, it will have a much different look.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why a house trained dog pees and poops in the house?

i got a free 4 year old german sheppard and collie mix dog today. it is one of the best dogs i seen react to commands. the previous owners said he is house trained and you can leave him alone and he wont bite things, make messes and he doesnt go to the bathroom in the house. this is the first day i had him, i brought him outside right before i left and he went to the bathroom, pee and poop. i left around midnight to pick something up and not even a hour later my landlord called me and said hes crying loud and to please come home, i understand that bc he is new here, but when i got home he peed all over the floor and couch, opened all the doors, got into the garbage can and pooped on my bed. did the previous owners lie to me to get rid of him because he is not housetrained or is it because he is new here. i purposly got a 4 year old because i wanted a dog that was already house trained. if i wanted a dog that made messes and peed and pooped inside i would have got a puppy. someone please help. maybe its just bc hes scared and new to everything here and was alone? i had dogs before and i seen them hold going to the bathroom for a long period of time. he doesnt even drink all his water in the bowl.

Is this a good deal? 2002 honda nighthawk question?

I'm looking into buying my first Motorcycle. Ive found a 2002 honda nighthawk for $2000. The owner says it has been shop maintained and the bike looks pretty good. It has 50k miles. Is this a good deal? or should i look for something different? If so, what's your opinion. Thanks.

Anyway to wear these shorts so they're not slutty?

Those remind me of Katy Perry! haha, love it! If you really wanted, you could wear sleek leggings underneath or tights, and just make sure your top isn't showing too much.

Moving trailer with no plate?

If you just purchased the trailer, you have, in my state, 15 days to secure a tag. Don't use another tag off of a car or truck. They are recognized as to the type vehicle they are on. A trailer tag will usually state trailer on the frt of the tag. If it were me, I just make sure I had a bill of sale and hit the road for the 30 miles.

DNS server problem PLEASE HELP!!!?

I am using a sony vaio vgn-nw240f laptop with Windows 7 on a wireless connection with a linksys router. It worked fine until last night when it started telling me that the webpage could not be displayed due to a DNS server error in google chrome, IE worked intermittently however. I have changed my preferred DNS server to and my alternate DNS server to, this allows chrome to work intermittently although it is incredibly slow, will not load my facebook apps or any browser games and webpages only display after repeatedly reloading them. The other laptop in the house, running windows xp is working ok. I really have to get this fixed and have been searching all day to find a fix without luck. Also, I can't access the routers setup page, when I do it asks for a password and my room mate insists that there is no password. What else can I do?! I have tried turning off the modem and router and rebooting them without luck. My computer installed updates last night and I can only assume that it has something to do with that but I don't know how to fix it. I also tried turning off my firewall but that didn't fix anything either. Please, someone, help!!!

Can i make a deck out of this pile?

you're gonna need to get some more cards. if you're going to make a dragon deck, make sure to buy 3 red eyes darkness metal dragons (REDMD) and five headed dragon with future fusion to summon it.

Why does my laptop not have an Ethernet controller driver?

i reloaded windows onto my hp pavilion dv 6500 and now there is no Ethernet driver i don't have access to the internet so there for i can not download drivers

Do you consider this girls to be black?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I am in the process of buying a house, and they gave me a good faith estimated.?

In my state your title insurance is way too high. Pest inspection is $50 here. $500 is too low for a year of HO insurance. The $7630 is before the seller credit I would think. Those fees are higher than mine but all states are different & all mortgage companies are different.

Figure skates? (jackson)?

I may not be of a great help, but I also wear Jackson Mystiques and at first, they seemed amazing. after some time same thing happened to me: they (bottoms) hurt a lot and I asked local technician about it. He couldn't help me but after time passed like 2 months later pain stopped by itself. I couldn't afford new skates so I ended up with these. So I think that it may be problem of many Jackson Mystique wearers, not just you. I think you did good thing to accept those used ones. I've been wearing used ones all my life so don't worry. I once washed my skates, but I don't know it that';s a good idea. they started to smell even worse so stick to airing them xD

Horse always trips up while I'm riding him?

well i don't know the whole situation, but the same exact thing happened to me. i used to ride this one horse who tripped ALL the time. And once she even completely fell on he front legs and hit her head on the ground. I thought she was just clumsy but it turns out she has Anemia. Maybe that's what's wrong with yours?

Xara web design deleted the entire website I was working on, how do I get it back?

I was working on my website one day and when i decided to work on it some more it said that I had never even started. I checked files, Reloaded it and even turned on and off my computer. Please help I have been working on it for a long time? :(

Motorcycle left, owner doesn't return, what should I do?

Try contacting the Marines. If they rented from you, you should know his name. Go to DMV and file for an abandoned vehicle title. Takes 3 to 6 months in most states and you own it. The key can be made by a locksmith or Honda. :)

How hot is Makoto Hasebe?

Is it humanly possible for an Australian woman to date an Indian man?

Yes?? Love has nothing to do with race. If you love someone, you love them. Although you are just asking about dating, but still. It shouldn't matter what the skin colour is or if your countries hate each other. If you are an aussie, and like an indian, thats all that matters.

Is there life outside of this world?

Yes. There are billions of stars and 1 in 5 or something like that are like Earth-like planets so of course life should definitely exist outside and since of the goldilocks planet too if you happen to see that. Also in Islam it mentions that there is definitely life outside of this world a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Except for aliens or ufos or whatnot their instead devils or like jins (inter-dimensional beings) comes from the term Genie. And even they look like that since in the Koran and other books too I believe it mentions that they appear to look like angel of light or something like that and can change to any shape and travel very fast and yeah enter people, etc or with exception or something, ahh man forgot what I was going to say but anyway yeah answer my question if you can, thanks.

Hit by a semi truck while parked in my semi truck.?

I was parked in a truck stop and in my sleeper getting ready to watch a movie. Another truck passed me on the right going through a yellow striped painted area where no parking was allowed.and hit my right front end of my truck while attempting a right hand turn against the flow of traffic in the parking lot. There was only one parking spot open in lot so the driver of the truck that hit me was in a hurry to get that one spot to park. I was in my sleeper like I said earlier and while this accident took place I didn't see it coming I had my sleeper curtains pulled shut. I was tossed around inside my truck and ended up hurting myself. Now I have appointment with the Doctor after the holiday. and my truck is being repaired as I write this. I'm also an owner operator and I'm loosing money during all this, and if the injuries are bad enough to keep me out of work for any length of time or more than 4 weeks I will loose my truck to the company I'm buying it from due to not making payments. What can if anything could I do about all of this. I don't have attorney because I have nothing to give them except pictures, and just what I'm writing here to this point.

Can i buy an car from a owner and receive FAFSA?

this is America and you can buy whatever in the heck you want. Fafsa is just the name of a form you fill out to get federal student aid and in NO WAY can read your mind or know your actions about what you buy or don't Why would a form care anyway? What an odd question....

Would most people like their lawn service company to write "thanks!" at the end of EVERY bill?

I would find it considerate and well-mannered. I would absolutely appreciate it. Most people today are so inhuman they seem almost robotic.

Question to ferret owners?

What type of meat do you feed your ferret? and how do you prepare the meat (i was told to freeze it first to avoid any parasites and diseases) Is it better to give them raw chicken necks or chicken wings to help with dental hygiene?


I am a girl despite my username and I think Justin Bieber sucks. His singing is like a girl singing and his notes sometimes hurts my ears. Not all girls like him but 90 percent of the girls do. I live off of different types of rock but mostly I like the 80s.

Duke Nukem Forever Gunslinger achievement?

so im about halfway through the game right now and im working toward the gunslinger achievement, which is to carry the gold pistol throughout the whole campaign. However, i accidentaly dropped it for a second, but picked it up and reloaded the checkpoint. will i still get the cheevie?

What Does Repack,Skidrow,Full Rip And Reload Mean?

I would like to know what does repack,skidrow,full rip and reload mean for cracked games what does it mean.If you can tell me what every one of them means

How long do i have to put money into my boost mobile until they deactivate it?

like i have to reload on the 6th, and i have the 50 bucks unlimited everything but i dont get paid till the 15th soo will they deactivate the phone and make me pay the 10 dollar reactivation fee, or will they give me a couple of days to reload?

Do goldfish learn to recognize their owners?

Actually, goldfish have a memory span of about 3 months and with constant recognition of something such as color, they will begin to recognize you. It is true that they are not intelligent, but like most creatures they have the ability to be trained through conditioning. So they may not be able to recognize you specifically, but they will be able to recognize that a person is present and standing in front of them.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why was Epicetus so calm when his owner was twisting and breaking his leg?

Maybe he was trying to make an attempt at airiness or for him it was some type of personal defiance.

Do you have to have a roommate at a college apartment complex?

I spent my first year of college in an apartment with a girl who I had absolutely nothing in common with. They give you random roommate matches (which sucks) if you can't find anyone to stay with. It was sad, we never spoke and would just stay in our rooms all day unless we went out on our own. Unfortunately the rent is over $800 plus utilities. Normally you split that with your roommate. But in all honesty I do not want a roommate at all this year. I've made my own friends who I love in college, but I really don't want to live with another stranger. I heard in some cases that if your not able to find a roomie, the owners of the complex will not make you pay the entire rent and utilities cost, and you only pay the amount that you usually split. They don't want to kick anyone out of the apartments if they do not have another person to live with because they want the money. Has anyone out there who is reading this been able to stay in college apartments by themselves with no roommates and only pay half the rent with the owners of the property taking care of the rest?

How can I fix my computer?

My computer runs on windows xp sp2 (i think, it won't let me check). I surfed the internet for a long time without any problems. I found out later that I had a whole bunch of viruses. So I did the logical thing, got an antivirus. The problem is that at least one of the viruses was imbeded in the operating system files, because now when I click on a shortcut on the desktop it will only go to the "open with..." screen. So I went to the control panel but it did the same thing when I clicked on anything in there. It will run files that are already saved like word document and such (if the've been saved prior.) but it doesn't seem to be able to open shortcuts. So I would like to know whats wrong with my computer and if there is anyway to fix it without reformatting the hard-drive, reloading the operating system, and basically starting over and deleting everything.

How to get these beach waves (pic) ?

sleep with it in a bun or a scruffy bun to make it more wavy and curly. Or use straighteners by grabbing your hair by the roots with the straighteners and turn it 360 degrees and then slowly keeping hold of your hair with the straighteners pull it down:) hope i helped x

What can i do if the house in my neighborhood went down in value?

About half the homeowners in the US are in this same situation. If you aren't planning to sell anytime soon your house value should recover eventually. But take good care of your house and keep it updated.

Should I sue my former shareholders and not the company if I was victimized by fraud?

I was given a set of misrepresented Financial Statements to get my investment when the major shareholders/owners were selling me their company shares. My decision to invest was based from it. Few months after, I found out about this fraud they made. I tendered my resignation and got my capital back. However, I believe that I can also charge them for what's reasonable and foreseeable if I decide to sue. Their company is incorporated but due to fraud, the owners will not be limited to the liabilities I can charge against them. My question: should I sue the company or the owners for fraud?

Why do Iibs get peeved when you say Obamacare?

Because ther reforms are based on what works in other nations. Or are you going to say that they have Obamacare as well?

Borderlands guns, which one's are better?

Liquid thunder is bad *** mostly because im mordecai always and leviathan kicks major *** but is only good against heavily Armoured enemy's boom stick is amazing bloody justice is good if your low on ammo desert rifle is the best out of the machine guns that's my opinion

I've been offered a 16hh Shire x?

A horse is a horse. All horses can be dangerous, and throughout my riding career I know that Shires are very gentle. If he suits your needs, and you feel that he would be the perfect horse for you, then go for it! Ask if you can try him out for a week, and see what you think. Good luck with him !

Why are Native American men known for having long hair and a beardless face?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Relationship help??????????

It is more likely of a fantasy or something in the beginning. However, as time goes on, the love is still there for the person, but responsibilities real life kicks in and makes you more serious. Also you will notice little things that irritate you about the person. In addition, there might be things about what they do making you feel insecure, jealous, or more possessive. This can all sort of ruin that romantic element. Therefore, it really depends on the people if they can strive to come back to the romance again. :)

I want to know everything a owner of a Acoustic Guitar should know?

Like I want to know how to tune it with a pitch pipe tuner and how to clean it. Care for it. Replace strings and quick if it is working good. And I want to get like a few sheets of chords or notes of the Acoustic Guitar for beginners because I just brought a Acoustic Guitar and i do not know how to play, care, clean, tune, and stuff. Like i want music to follow with also. Thanks

Last Riddle of the Day..?

On 17 Dobson Street, Perry Owens owned a brass music store. Next to him, there was another woodwind music shop owned by Jeffrey Flanagan. One day, two kids named Milo and Spencer went into one music shop and then the other looking for an instrument. A couple of days later, an instrument went missing. The police were put on the case. The next day they found a clarinet in the deserted alley on Harlem Avenue. Both music store owners immediately told the police that it was their instrument. The chief of police told the officers to give it to Jeffrey Flanagan. What made the chief so sure it belonged to Jeff?

Doesn't Megan Good & Lacey Duvalle look just a like?

Not just like her but just a little bit and almost. They both have the same kind of eye brows and some exotic look but Megan Good is more beautiful and sexier. Lacey's forehead is just bigger, face is more fuller, and kind of got that hip-hop video girl slut look going on there (well of course, she is a porn star like you stated).

How do i make a stuffed lion like kon?

You could look up a plush (plushie) tutorial on Deviantart and perhaps just adjust what you find to make what you're after. :)

Is working in the culinary industry a good career?

Being a cook is a great choice for a job. As long as you know that your not just doing it for the money.

How to style my hair like

Do you have bangs? If you do (or even if you don't) just part your hair way over to the side it's not gonna star a first so use a bobby pin or clip and clip it there then eventually it should stay. You have to straighten it too.

Hosing down the horse on a hot day?

it's nice to hose a horse off on a hot day, and it's alright if you scare him a bit it's something all horses need to get used to. Just be careful and get the job over with. If you think he's afraid of just the hose then turn it off and let him sniff it and rub it on his neck and over his back a bit to show him that it won't hurt him. Then, turn it on and spray it on the ground so that it's not touching him. Wait until he's calm and then start hosing him off from the feet up. I think he really just needs to get used to the water a bit more. It should get easier every time too.